Sunday, October 7, 2012
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Discovery DSalud
C/ Mirasierra 5, Atico A
28220 Majadahonda, ( Madrid)
Dear Mr. Jose Antonio Campoy;
Recently it has come to our attention of articles you have published in Discovery DSalud regarding Mr. Ayhan Doyuk. There have been dishonest, half-truths, slandering implications published in these articles. These implications also address deformation of character, character assassination, racial profiling, conspiracy, attempts to steal intellectual properties, forgery and elitism. Because of the Internet there have been horrible consequences affecting at personal, corporate and institutional levels and inadvertently affecting human life.
Were investigations done to reveal if information received was valid and authentic not uncorroborated accusations based on hear say, third and fourth party information spread on the Internet?
Trust and credibility must be established between reader and journalist to succeed in highly credited publications. How can this be obtained if the editor of a widely recognized magazine fails to consider facts from all sides of the story?
After reading the articles thoroughly we found there are many statements by Ayhan Doyuk and claims by Ayhan Doyuk that we can vigorously refute and prove to be totally to the contrary. Or is this, according to Ayhan Doyuk the words of the interpreter used for your articles.
Is she a professional interpreter with credentials? Is she paid by you or as mentioned in your article the “collaborator� of Ayhan Doyuk, Elya AKA Stella Zambrano? Or is there a possibility of a personal agenda?
Can this interpreter translate from Turkish to Spanish? Is the Spanish language the same in Spain as it is in Venezuela? Or English the same in England, the US or Ireland; and does it have the same meaning?
Mr. Eric Ekvall introduced Elya, Stella Zambrano to our team / Perfect Science A.D. Inc. and Full Circle Technologies, Inc. in 1999. She was treated and tested free of charge in our research project. For several months she even lived in the house with the Perfect Science A.D. Bio health creator/formulator. She traveled to Turkey as a guest of Perfect Science A.D. in 2000 and immigration revealed she did not have a VISA. She went to Germany to obtain a VISA through the Turkish consulate that we sponsored. In Germany she met with Dr. Peter Rohsmann and gave him formulas form Perfect Science A.D. that were manufactured by Full Circle Technologies, Inc.
In January of 2000 after the flood in Venezuela Perfect Science A.D. Inc. along with Full Circle Technologies, Inc. treated hundreds of people. Elya, AKA Stella Zambrano was given free of charge concentrate formulas that she blended in Venezuela and she sold for profit.
How ludicrous this is for now she is the “collaborator�, “ interpreter� for Ayhan Doyuk. Are her actions fringing on the federal Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (18 U.S.C.Sec. 1831)?
Is Ayhan Doyuk being lead by this charade? He stated in a long phone conversation on April 17, 2006, with four team members of Perfect Science A.D. he did not have collaborators but only volunteers, groupies that interpret for him. He had no idea what was said in the articles.
All these facts are beyond ludicrous but yet criminal.
Ayhan Doyuk was born in Canada, raised in Switzerland/Turkish Swiss/holding a Turkish passport like many born for example in Germany and then living in Turkey. In your article you said Ayhan Doyuk was born in Turkey, which is not true.
His father spoke Turkish. His mother spoke French. He learned these languages and also Swiss/German.
Does Elya/aka Stella Zambrano have the ability to translate these languages?
Published journalism is not a private matter and must not leave confusion in the minds of the readers. Accusations must be investigated thoroughly.
Trust in one being to the point of not considering elusion is not unbiased journalism. A person can be a master of delusion to the point that he or she or collaborators can fool anyone so completely that they accept what is false as true.
Deliberate misrepresentation of facts by words or actions is leading to a fraudulent act.
Perfect Science is an American/Turkish/Saudi Arabian Company registered in Turkey in 1994/ it was not stolen from Ayhan Doyuk.
Perfect Science A.D. Inc. registered in Delaware is an American Company/ it was not stolen from Ayhan Doyuk/ also the website Perfect Science was not stolen. It belongs to Perfect Science A.D., Inc. How can you steal what you already own? In fact a man named Steven Torrence stole the website in 1999 and it was returned to Perfect Science A.D. in January 2000.
This is a formula not water. Ayhan Doyuk is not the sole creator, developer or sole person who instrumented the applications and protocols for the Perfect Science A.D. formulas. He has not funded these formulas.
Perfect Science A.D.Inc. and affiliated companies or institutes behind it have never sold to Venezuela or Brazil. Ayhan Doyuk and others who work and have worked for him we cannot verify if this has occurred.
There has been manipulative actions to divert form science and research into commercialization by a multitude of people with agendas.
Evidence is needed to corroborate a reporter's story and it must be confirmed by further investigation. What professional journalist would go along with self-promotion, exploitation, hype, and charades? In the biggest picture the truth must be revealed.
We are waiting for your reply. We are giving you the usual three days to reply. Please, verify your professional credentials.
Terry Welch
Perfect Science A.D., Inc.
Jim Trider
Full Circle Technologies, Inc.
Attached file: Eric Ekvall & Michael Rowan ( 65 pages).
US Consulate General Barcelona
US Consulate General Austria
US Consulate General Germany
US Consulate General Turkey
Ambassador of Spain/Washington, DC
US Ambassador Venezuela
U. S Justice Department
US Commerce Department
US State Department
Discovery DSalud
C/Mirasierra 5, Atico A
28220 Majadahonda,(Madrid)
Dear Mr. Jose Antonio Campoy,
We would like, at this time to inform you of the reason we are addressing articles in Discovery DSalud that were published in 2002.
Inquiries are being made regarding Ayhan Doyuk for child support. He has never taken responsibility for financial support of his child but has deliberately affected the loss of income for his child’s mother. What man can be honored as highly respected who does not regard his responsibility of a father?
Through our case to seek justice we found the articles in Discovery DSalud. This information has enlightened our attorneys, government agencies, and us with significant evidence to Ayhan Doyuk’s activities. This evidence has shed additional light on other situations were Ayhan Doyuk has jeopardized lives of sincere individuals who have fallen victims of conspiracy.
This manipulating conspiracy thrives on defrauding others ideas and finances to better himself without intent to help the cause he claims to support.
If you or anyone connected to your magazine, or other affiliates is on the path of truth all points of information should be fully reviewed and evaluated.
Information sent to you is compiling evidence to reveal the pattern of events that strategically is being accomplished.
Your attention to this information should be taken seriously since you should consider the fact your position could be a matter of “ harboring from prosecution”.
We are copying to government agencies.
Terry Welch
Perfect Science A.D., Inc.
Jim Trider
Full Circle Technologies Inc.
William & JoAnn Spreitzer
Vital Earth Solutions Inc.
U.S. Consulate General Barcelona
U.S. Ambassador Austria
U.S. Consulate General Germany
U.S. Consulate General Turkey
Ambassador of Spain/ Washington, DC
U.S. Ambassador Venezuela
Ambassador of Saudi Arabia/ Washington, DC
U.S. Ambassador Saudi Arabia
U.S. Justice Department
U.S. Commerce Department
U.S. State Department
Aydo Soluciones Perfecta-S.L.,Torrelavega,Spain
Hector Jesus Garcia Tome
Arcadia-eden, Munich, Germany
Daniel O’Connell, Esq.
Niro Wolfe, Esq., ( Head Professor DePaul, U)
Nacim Chaunt ( VP Jam Joom Corporation)
William Comee ( Charter Trading)
Al Giordano ( Narco News)
Letter from Jim Trider, Full Circle BioMedical:
To whom it may concern,
I am Jim Trider founder of Full Circle Biomedical I worked with Perfect Science formulas and set up a research programs for Health and Wellness formulas, Animal formulas and Household products.
I worked with Dr. Joseph Arme and David Morse. When the research was completed and we were in the first stages of commercialization I attended along with Andrew Nixon, Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk the Wesak conference in Mt. Shasta, California May 2000. I was there to hear a formal speech/ presentation of Perfect Science.
We witnessed first hand Ayhan Doyuk” out of control rage” at Mr. David Jeans that he adamantly insisted Andrew Nixon not be allowed on the stage. And according to Ayhan Doyuk I heard him personally say, “ It is all about me!”; “They are here to hear me!”.
Mr. Andrew Nixon a polite humble man stepped down from his position to give his speech afraid for his life for Ayhan Doyuk had threatened him to take him out of the company and ruin his life.
Later at the Wesak Mt. Shasta, California conference Full Circle had a meeting with Ayhan Doyuk where Ayhan Doyuk told us that if we did not stop any further research and marketing Perfect Science formulas he would destroy Perfect Science and everything connected to it.
There is little morality in Doyuk, only when he judges others. His design is to illustrate the evil and hypocrisy of any one who does or even does not hand over their money to him. He depicts everyone in business as crooks, evil and himself as a crusading hero for truth and the light.
In September 2000 Ayhan Doyuk was in Sarasota, Florida. He came to Dr. Joseph Arme’s Office where we were doing research for the Perfect Science AD formulas. He congratulated us on our work and later went to dinner with Anna Ramser, David Morse, Debbie Fourst, Terry Welch, his daughter and myself. At that dinner Ayhan Doyuk said that Terry Welch was the inventor of the Perfect Science health and wellness formulas.
If you want evidence of this visit to Sarasota, Florida there is a video taken with Ayhan Doyuk available from Wanda Pratnicka & Zbyszek Ploszczca, Poland,
I know first hand that in January 2000 Anna Ramser, who had been trained by Full Circle and also worked with Dr. Silvia Tomic from Croatia, assisted by Roger Larson had set up a conference in Ireland. This conference was to introduce the commercialization of Perfect Science products after the research done by Full Circle Biomedical.
Ayhan Doyuk told these same people that they were not allowed selling products and he condemned them and instructed his followers not to buy any products.
Free Commerce…
In fact in 2002 Ayhan Doyuk sent some of his followers into stores that had products of Anna Ramser, Roger Larson and Full Circle to divert sales and in addition instructed his followers to send letters regarding Perfect Science stating the research was not valid, it was poison and added it was not supplied by him.
The pattern that Ayhan Doyuk uses is concerning money and trying to prevent clients from having the real researched formulas. He, like gurus such as Drunvalo through their followers lie and diverts the real technology. They believe it is not necessary to follow the law but are above the law.
He attacks spiritually but the movement is in the commercialization attacking the economic base. He sets up “henchman” to do his work.
We set up the Europe market; he did not produce or distribute the health and wellness formulas and cosmetics. They were produced in the USA. He did not have a network or distribution set up.
Ayhan Doyuk used “Mother’s Water" that had been set up by Full Circle with Wistancia Stone in Mt. Shasta, California, Mina Olen in Finland, Ann Merril and Christan Hummel and Douglas Leber AP.
We were in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Holland, Switzerland, Belgium, France, England, Spain, Ireland, Lithuania, South America, Croatia, Russia, Haiti, Japan, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Australia, Mexico, Canada, Egypt and now Kuwait.
He set up nothing!
In April 2002, Ms. Elya Stella Maris Zambrano and Dr. Peter Rohsmann, a German doctor, contacted patients and clients of Full Circle Biomedical through the newsletter W_O_W monitored by Mrs. Shirley Carroll.
Ms. Zambrano is a paid worker of Ayhan Doyuk but was a former patient and client of Full Circle Biomedical. Dr. Peter Rohsmann has been claiming to be making some products from Ayhan Doyuk but not the Full Circle Biomedical’s researched formulas of Perfect Science AD nor the original Pan-Thor household products.
Rohsmann obtained lists of clients while he was in the USA promoting the Prognos testing device. He had used the Perfect Science AD formulas and was incorporating the formulas with his testing.
Ayhan Doyuk goes around Europe with the aid of his investor promising the followers that they will become “ascended master”; live forever. They become victims especially the 56-60 year olds. Ayhan Doyuk is associated with the "Ascension movement”.
We also want no part of Drunvalo Melchizedek
or followers such as Richard & Jocelyn McIntyre, Steven Torrence and Evelyn Levy. We have had first hand information and have met these people. These are not credible people. They may state they have been swindled but they are indeed swindlers.
We are not part of this movement but are active environmentally conscious individuals
It has recently come to attention that a group of Breatharians paid $5,000 to Steven Torrence for Aydo Aqua Elixer that they never received.
If you have been in this situation contact Zbyszek Ploszczyca for Wanda Pratnicka in Poland at centrumoffice
Mind Control…
Ayhan Doyuk uses some of his followers to threaten people, to have them attack others' character and aims to destroy their work. Many of his followers were originally trained by Drunvalo.
First, the attacker must portray his attack as an attempt to support the order of values of society by exposing a violator who deserves to be exposed, in essence enhancing his own image as he assaults another.
If this were all there were to these disguises, we might have an easier time discerning the role of discredit, domination, assertiveness and sadism in public life. But the disguise of motives is often supplemented by a far more insidious deception, one that masks the fact that an attack is taking place at all, that is what Ayhan Doyuk has done in the past and is doing today in Poland .
I have recently received a phone call from a gentleman in Venezuela claiming to be ….He said that the reason for the call was that he wanted Perfect Science health and wellness formulas and was unable to obtain them.
I assured him that there was no problem and I would try to
make arrangements for him to receive the formulas.
This conversation stirred my memory of when we traveled to Venezuela and also encounters we had with Stella Zambrano and her son Daniel.
As I mentioned before Stella had been under the care of Dr. Joseph Arme during her patient participation in our research. She also had set up clinical appointments for patient to be tested and for them to also under Dr.Arme’s recommendation use the Perfect Science formulas.
Stella Zambrano had public relations connections in Venezuela that allowed us to have presentations on their television broadcasting station.
Stella’s son, Daniel was introduced to us and it had been made known that
he was skilled as a webmaster.
Anna Ramser, who I also have mentioned before was trained by Full Circle Biomedical had come to Venezuela to help with a conference and organizing the filming of the conference.
Anna Ramser had been present when Ayhan Doyuk was in Venezuela and she organized the filming of the Ireland conference that Ayhan Doyuk was also present at.
Stella Zambrano has been personally working for Ayhan Doyuk the last
….years. And it has been known that Ayhan Doyuk has had personal conversations with Stella’s son Daniel regarding work on his website.
If there is any question regarding this connection contact Zbyzszek Ploszczyca for Wanda Pratnicka
For more information go to:
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